Suffolk County Legislator - 3rd District
Daryl Edelstein

Edelstein will be 54 on Election Day. He is running on the Democratic line.
- Edelstein said he is not actively campaigning.
Lynda Frego

Frego, 52, is running on the Libertarian line. She is seeking her first elected office as a Suffolk County Legislator. She is a manager of operations for a real estate investment broker.
- Frego said she’s running to stop red-light cameras, which she said were not properly located and are causing more accidents.
- She said Brookhaven Town is also improperly citing homes for code violations, targeting poor and minority owners.
- She also said areas are being overbuilt, “making it like Queens” and negatively impacting the environment.
Republican, Independent, Conservative
Rudolph A. Sunderman

Sunderman, 50, is running on the Republican, Conservative and Independence lines. A volunteer firefighter for 32 years, he is seeking his second two-year term as a Suffolk County legislator.
- Sunderman said in his first term he helped push a successful referendum to create a sewer district in the Mastic-Shirley area.
- He also supported a resolution that requires tax-delinquent properties seized by the county in an area of Mastic-Shirley be preserved as open space, rather than resold for housing, to restore marshes and wetlands.
- Sunderman said he is focused on fighting for quality of life issues in the community, such as “zombie homes” and the opioid epidemic, by hosting various community meetings.