Southampton Town Receiver of Taxes
Democratic, Working Families
Gordon L. Herr

Herr, 70, is running on the Democratic and Working Families party lines. Herr is the chairman of the Southampton Town Democratic Committee, a position he has held since 2006. He also works at the Suffolk County Board of Elections.
- As chairman of the town’s Democratic Committee, Herr said his achievements have included the election of a Democratic majority on the Town Board, as well as “record‐breaking fundraising and increasing voter registration.”
- Herr said he wanted to focus on improving efficiency within the tax receiver’s office that could help with cost savings for the department.
- Citing his previous business experience as CEO of Ashcor New York, a provider of high-technology environmental support systems, Herr said that experience would help him run the tax receiver’s office.
Republican, Independent, Conservative
Theresa A. Kiernan (Incumbent)

Kiernan, 51, is running on the Republican, Conservative and Independence party lines. Elected tax receiver in 2007, Kiernan is seeking her fourth four-year term.
- Kiernan said she has been able to cut costs by reducing staff and using technological advances to make her office run more efficiently.
- Since she started in 2007, Kiernan said the budget for her office has increased only 5% to date, which she said indicated her office was “doing a good job in terms of efficiency.”
- If re-elected, Kiernan wants to continue to focus on efficiency and cost savings for her office.