Nassau County Legislator - 9th District
Nathan Wein

Wein, 28, an independent carpenter and student at Fordham Law School, is running on the Republican line. This is his first time running for elected office. He holds an undergraduate degree in economics and lives in Inwood with his wife and two children.
- Wein said he would like to grow economic development and job opportunities in Nassau County.
- He said he would fight to reduce taxes and make the county budget more transparent and easier to understand.
- He said he is concerned about young people leaving the county and would bring fresh ideas for discussion in the legislature on how to attract and keep young people on Long Island.
Republican, Independent, Conservative
Richard J. Nicolello (Incumbent)

Nicolello, 59, the presiding officer of the Legislature, is running on the Republican, Conservative and Independence party lines. He is running for his 13th term, having served in the county Legislature since its inception in 1996.
- Nicolello voted to create an Inspector General position to monitor Nassau’s contracting process and to investigate waste, fraud and abuse.
- He has been among the most vocal critics of County Executive Laura Curran’s assessment review process. In September, he helped pass an “Assessment Bill of Rights” which would require the assessor to live in Nassau and that the Assessment Department’s office phones be staffed by a live person. Curran vetoed the package of bills.
- Nicolello said he is focused on finding new efficiencies and ways to cut spending to help hold the line on county property taxes.