Nassau County Legislator - 5th District
Democratic, Working Families
Debra S. Mule (Incumbent)

Mulé, 57, is running on the Democratic and Working Families lines. She is seeking her second term on the Nassau County Legislature.
- Mulé said she has secured emphasized environmental issues on the legislature, advocating for bans of single-use plastic and paper bags and a Styrofoam ban on food and manufacturing products.
- Mulé said she is a strong supporter of the countywide reassessment of residential properties conducted by the administration of County Executive Laura Curran. Mulé said the reassessment would create a more accurate and fairer tax roll.
- Mulé said she has worked to secure consensus among lawmakers on important bills, including a ban on “revenge porn” to make posting of intimate sexual images of partners without their consent a crime punishable with jail time and fines.
Republican, Conservative
Daniel A. Salamone

Salamone, 24, is running on the Republican and Conservative party lines. He is seeking his first term in the county legislature.
- Salamone said he is focused on spurring economic development in Baldwin and notes it is difficult to bring in potential investors without reducing business restrictions.
- Salamone said he had concerns about public safety in Baldwin and said a “serious shortage” of crossing guards has led to patrol officers guarding crossing locations instead of streets.
- Salamone said the county’s “reassessment crisis” is the “most troubling issue.” He called County Executive Laura Curran’s reassessment a “back door tax increase” that will burden homeowners on the South Shore district.