Nassau County Legislator - 14th District
Democratic, Working Families
Michael J. Maloney

Not registered with a party
Maloney, 50, is running on the Democratic and Working Families lines. He is seeking a first term in the Nassau County Legislature.
- Maloney said he wants to implement term limits for county legislators to help prevent “career politicians from getting entrenched and using that to benefit themselves and their cronies.”
- A greater effort needs to be put into how the assessments are calculated and the process for grieving, Maloney said. He said assessments should be updated frequently to reflect the true market value of homes.
- Maloney said as a legislator, he would encourage and gather support for transit-oriented development and housing for seniors and millennials.
Republican, Independent, Conservative
Laura M. Schaefer (Incumbent)

Schaefer, 51, is running on the Republican, Conservative and Independence party lines. She is seeking her fourth two-year term as a Nassau County legislator.
- Schaefer said she is focused on tackling the opioid crisis in Nassau County and notes that she introduced a law to amend the county’s “Social Host” law to include opioids.
- Schaefer said she has worked to protect drinking water and held a hearing to bring awareness to the dangers of 1,4-dioxane in the water supply.
- Schaefer said she is focused on bringing “fairness and transparency” to the county’s Department of Assessment, blaming it for confusing taxpayers during the last year’s reassessment.