Nassau County Legislator - 11th District
Democratic, Independent, Conservative, Working Families
Delia M. DeRiggi-Whitton (Incumbent)

DeRiggi-Whitton, 51, of Glen Cove, is running on the Democratic, Conservative, Working Families and Independence party lines. She is seeking her fifth term in the Nassau County Legislature, after serving two terms on the Glen Cove City Council.
- DeRiggi-Whitton touted the county’s adoption of contract procurement reforms and the appointment of an independent inspector general.
- She said ensuring the high quality of the aquifers that supply drinking water to Long Islanders is a priority.
- Another priority is the passage of a proposal to ban vaping in county parks, playgrounds and athletic fields.
James M. Greenberg

Greenberg, 46, of Glen Cove, is running on the Republican line. He is an attorney.
- Greenberg wants an alternative way to calculate the tax roll to lessen the impact of tax increases. He wants the assessor position to be elected, rather than appointed.
- He supports having Nassau County bar the sale of marijuana within its borders if the State Legislature legalizes its recreational use.
- Greenberg opposes charging for plastic bags under the state plastic bag ban and said incentives to use reusable bags should be used instead.
Blay Tarnoff

Not registered with a party
Tarnoff, 61, of Port Washington, is running on the Libertarian Party line. He is an attorney and the chairman of the Nassau County Libertarian Party.
- Tarnoff would cut government spending and lower taxes. “People are not able to afford to live in Nassau County anymore” because of high taxes, he said.
- Tarnoff also wants to cut regulations for residents and businesses. “You don’t need top-down control” from county government, he said.
- He is in favor of privatizing some county services. Essential services like the police and courts should be part of government, but “anything else we can look to see if it can’t be done better in a private way.” That, he said, would reduce costs and ultimately lower taxes.