Hempstead Town Clerk
Democratic, Working Families
Sylvia A. Cabana (Incumbent)

Cabana, 52, of Garden City, is running on the Democratic and Working Families party lines. Cabana is seeking her second term after she was elected town clerk in 2017. She previously practiced immigration law in New York City and West Hempstead.
- Cabana said she wants to modernize the clerk’s office by digitizing files and documents, including making town agendas searchable online. She said residents should be able to apply for parking permits online and request certain documents like birth certificates.
- Cabana said the clerk’s office is making services accessible to the public in different locations for passport and child safety ID services. Cabana said the clerk’s office should be a hub for information and a directory for town services, including accessibility translating documents into additional languages.
- She said the town should use automatic license plate readers to scan license plates for parking permits and save time for public safety officers.
Republican, Independent, Conservative, Tax Revolt
Kate Murray

Murray, 57, of Levittown, is running on the Republican, Conservative, Independence and Tax Revolt lines. She was appointed Nassau County deputy clerk in March. She previously was elected to the state Assembly and as town clerk and town supervisor before leaving for a failed run in 2015 for Nassau County district attorney.
- Murray said she wants to bring transparency and accountability to the clerk’s office, including going paperless with town board calendars and posting searchable agendas online. She wants to add a real-time tracker to monitor Freedom of Information Law requests.
- Murray wants to expand office hours in the clerk’s office and expand the senior ID program and seminars on consumer scams.
- Murray said she started the passport and child ID program as clerk and wants to modernize resident access. She suggested the town use an automated license plate reader to monitor commuter stickers in town parking lots and make stickers more available in LIRR stations.