East Hampton Town Assessor (2 Seats Open)
Republican, Democratic, Independent, Conservative
Jill Massa (Incumbent)

Massa, 60, is running on the Democratic, Republican, Conservative, Independence and East Hampton Fusion party lines. She is running unopposed, along with fellow incumbent Jeannie Nielsen, and is seeking her sixth two-year term.
- Massa said she strives to treat every taxpayer equally and fairly.
- She hopes to “demystify the assessment process” for residents.
- She said she maintains a professional office with a user-friendly environment.
Jeanne W. Nielsen (Incumbent)

Nielson, 63, is seeking her ninth four-year term as East Hampton Town assessor. She is running on the Democratic, Republican, Conservative and Independence party lines. She is running unopposed, along with fellow incumbent Jill Massa, for one of two open seats.
- Nielsen wants to continue making assessment data accessible for the public and appraisers.
- She has served as a town assessor for 32 years.