Brookhaven Town Council Member - 4th District
Democratic, Working Families
Cheryl A. Felice

Felice, 62, is running on the Democratic and Working Families party lines. She is seeking her first four-year term.
- Felice said she wants to be a full-time representative with no other jobs or commitments.
- She would increase transparency and communication to ensure residents that their needs are being met, especially pertaining to landfill smells.
- She vows to repair streetlights and roads and get rid of blighted homes and areas.
Republican, Independent, Conservative
Michael A. Loguercio Jr. (Incumbent)

Loguercio, 61, is running on the Republican, Conservative and Independence party lines. He is seeking a third term.
- Loguercio said he’d continue protecting taxpayers by keeping property taxes low.
- He wants to keep neighborhoods safe and improve quality of life by tearing down vacant and abandoned homes and investing in infrastructure.
- Loguercio said he’d fight to protect drinking water by adding more preserved land in the pine barrens area and surrounding the Carmans River. He’d also ensure developers use the proper nitrogen-removing septic systems in all new renovation construction projects.